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Contains financial reports that are useful for accounting. You may wish to produce some of these reports every quarter to hand to your accountant or book-keeper, such as the Payments and Aged Debtors reports.


A user without "Usergroup - Accounts" or "Financial Reports" permission will not be able to run these reports. A user can be given the "Payments Report" permission to allow them to run the Payments report alone from this menu.


Read more about Accounting reports here

Read more about user permissions here







Contains reports useful for handing to your customers, as well as address labels and a handy customer list report. You can also access the Batch Report Manager from this menu, to help you produce any of these reports for any number of your customers at the end of the month.


Read more about Customers reports here

Read more about the Batch Report Manager here







For reporting on the jobs in your database, for your lab's reference. You can produce reports on jobs in their different stages, such as Booked In, Out Ongoing and Completed. As well as these reports, you may find it useful to print lists of jobs from the Jobs List window, by right clicking a job in that list and sending to the preview window.


Read more about Jobs reports here







Contains a Price List report and a Products report. You can also obtain a list of products from the Select Product window by right clicking on an item in that list and sending the list to the preview window.


Read more about the Products reports here







Various reports to show the total sales made for a specified period, to a particular customer or practice, or by product type.


A user without "Usergroup - Accounts" or "Financial Reports" permission will not be able to run these reports.


Read more about the Sales reports here

Read more about user permissions here







For reporting on the productivity of the lab technicians. For these reports to be useful you will need to assign technicians as working on an item when you add it to a job.


Read more about the Technicians reports here

Read more about assigning Technicians and Work Units on items here

Read more about creating Users and Technicians here





Special Reports


Reports for producing invoices for the practice groups IDH and Oasis, including the CSV file required for invoicing IDH head office.


If there are no individual reports listed here, you can enable them using the "Enable Special Reports" option, and selecting either IDH or Oasis. If you wish to enable both types of reports you will need to use the "Enable Special Reports" option twice, selecting the relevant practice group each time.


Apart from the Electronic Invoice - IDH Group, which will produce a CSV invoice containing all your IDH customers, the other IDH and Oasis reports will only produce results for one customer. To run for multiple customers you will need to use the Batch Report Manager - but ensure you have enabled the reports from this menu first.


Read more about the Special Reports here

Read more about the Electronic Invoice - IDH Group here

Read more about the Batch Report Manager here