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How to get here

From the Jobs menu, choose Select..  (CTRL-J), or click the Jobs Tool bar icon




Quick Reference


Search (selector)

Choose a search method

Contains Filters

Optional filters eg Due Date, Sort by (may be visible dependent on Search method selected).

Search Button

Invoke search for given criteria

Settings Blue gear24

Preferences for this window



Results list window

Lists results for the current Search. Right click for Options


Options menu


Select current selected job onto Main Form



Search (selector)


Search Method. These are customisable and the initial choice can also be configured in Settings.





Active Jobs - All

All open jobs, Booked In, Booked Out Ongoing,On Hold.

Active Jobs - Booked In - by Dept


Booked In jobs. Order by Dept,DueDate,OrderNo



Active Jobs - Booked In - by Due date

Specify a due date, or leave blank for ALL Booked in jobs. Order by DueDate,OrderNo


Active Jobs - Booked In - by Due date and Box

Specify a due date, or leave blank for ALL Booked In jobs.

Active Jobs - Booked In - by Start date

Booked In Jobs. Order By Started date

Active Jobs - Booked In Items by due date

Specify a due date, or leave blank for ALL items on booked in jobs that have due dates

Active Jobs - Booked Out Ongoing

Booked out jobs ongoing. Order By Started date

Active Jobs - On Hold

Jobs On Hold. Order By Started date

Completed Jobs - All

All credit notes and jobs booked out completed. Order By TaxDate, RefID

Completed Jobs - By date range & customer

All credit notes and jobs booked out completed for the specified customer and with tax dates between the two dates specified. Order By TaxDate, RefID

Completed Jobs - By date range & practice

All credit notes and jobs booked out completed for the specified practice (DeliverTo) and with tax dates between the two dates specified. Order By TaxDate, RefID

Completed Jobs - Last 3 months

All jobs booked out completed, and all credit notes, with tax dates within the past 3 months. Order By TaxDate, RefID

Jobs - All

All jobs. Order By Started date

Jobs - Last 3 months

All jobs, started within the last 3 months. Order By Started date

Jobs Booked Out on Date

All jobs booked out on or from the specified Start Date, and optionally those up to the End Date. View either jobs booked out Completed, or Ongoing, or both. Order By Booked Out Date

Jobs by Due Date

All jobs Due on the specified date, or ALL if no date specified. Order by Due Date

Jobs by Patient Name or Reference

Search jobs by Patient surname and or firstname (or initial). Order By OrderTime DESC, OrderNo DESC. Also see the full Patient Search window.

Jobs by Reference

Search for jobs by job ref. Order By Reference,OrderNo DESC

Jobs by Start Date Range

All jobs with a Start Date on the specified date, and optionally those up to the End Date. Also optionally specify the required Job State and Customer ID. Order By Started date

Jobs by Start Date Range (practice)

All jobs with a Start Date on the specified date, and optionally those up to the End Date. Also optionally specify the required Job State and Practice ID. Order By Started date

Work Schedule (SDS Style)

Jobs due between the specified dates, and for the selected Item Department. This view mimics the equivalent view on SDS systems to help users who are migrating from it.





Optional search filter.


If you leave this box blank and click Search, then all the result list will be all the records based on the Selected search method.


If you enter some text in the For filter then click Search, then the result list will be those which match the Selected search method, and agree with the For filter.


The search uses advanced search rules, so you can type in the patient name or reference into the CONTAINS filter several ways and Lab Manager will still try to find your results list. By the way, capitalisation is not significant.


Examples for search method Patient Name..












































Search Button


Invoke search for given criteria. Clicking the Search button without a filter will result in all records being listed for the given Search method.



Preferences icon


Settings for this dialog window. You can set the 'Initial Search' to what you usually use when you choose the Select Jobs function. This almost forgettable preference is actually very powerful if set correctly because it's remembered for the User/Operator you are logged in as. So for example user Joe might normally want to view all the Active Jobs - Booked In - by Due date as soon as he keys CRTL-J. Lab Manager knows Joe's preferred search, so without Joe having to click anything else his result window lists all the Booked in Jobs, sorted by Due Date, the most urgent ones at the top. A user called Kate though, may have a different role in the administration, and so 'her' initial search might be Active Jobs - Booked Out Ongoing. Kate may even have a different 'role' in the mornings  (eg. batches of Booking Out) than afternoons (eg. Booking In or chasing up production targets). To achieve this Kate can make Lab Manager adapt all her user preferences (including Initial Search Methods) simply by logging in with another user name.



Help icon


Link to this Help topic. Welcome!



Results list window


Initially when you enter this dialog, this list will be pre-populated with the results for the Initial Search method, as if you had left the 'For' filter blank and clicked Search. The Initial search method can be set in Preferences.


If you change the Search method, or type into the 'For' filter, the list will clear. Click Search to refresh the results.


You can right click any listed rows to invoke the Options menu. This is the same as highlighting a row, then clicking the Options button.





A sub-set of menu choices for appropriate actions  Select / Send to Preview Window.





Select the currently highlighted job onto the Main Form. This will only be enabled if the action is valid for the current state of the Job or Invoice on the Main Form. If the Job 'won't select' then try closing the search window and deal with the job on the Main Form then choose Clear Form before returning back to the Job Search. If you want to keep the current form as it is, then simply Open Up another Main Form (CTRL-O).