The Menu Bar |
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The Menu Bar runs along the top of the Main Form, and contains all the main functionality of Transactor. Some of the items in the menus can be accessed by other means, such as via the Toolbar, Action Bar, 'context sensitive' menus and keyboard shortcuts.
Context Senstive menus refers to menus who's options change, based on what you're currently doing. For example, right-mouse clicking on the job details on the Main Form will show a different menu if the job is editable to if it's booked out completed.
You can access the items on the Menu Bar by a number of methods:
Most regularly used menu items have keyboard Hot Keys.
File menu
The File Menu gives access to system features, and includes access to the System History logs for reviewing actions made by users on the system.
Customer menu
The Customer Menu gives access to customer related actions, such as selecting or adding new customers and recording payments.
DeliverTo menu
The DeliverTo Menu allows you to select or add a delivery location (such as a practice) or mark as active/inactive.
Product menu
The Product Menu gives you access to selecting or adding new products, and working with the rows on the currently displayed job.
Job menu
The Job Menu contains options for navigating through the jobs in the database, as well as manipulating some properties of the currently displayed job.
Action menu
Use the Action Menu to create new jobs and credit notes, as well as set the Booked In/Out state of the current job. Many of the options in this menu are available as function key shortcuts, as well as along the bottom of the main form in the Action Bar or by right-mouse clicking on the main form.
Report menu
The Report Menu gives access to the many different reports that are available in Transactor. The Customers reports are primarily used for the current customer displayed on the main form. For running off reports for multiple customers (such as dentist statements) you will need to use the Batch Report Manager which can be found in the Report > Customers menu or through the Tools menu.
Tools menu
The Tools Menu gives you access to the Control Centre and User Preferences, as well as the Batch Report Manager and other useful Utilities.
Add-ons menu
The Add-ons Menu gives you access to the CSV Exporter, EDI Invoicer and EDI Remitter add-ons. These utilities are part of the Commercial Module.
Help menu
From the Help Menu you can access the Transactor help files, as well as the Coffee Break Tour and online knowledgebase. There are also quick links for updating your software, giving feedback and sharing your desktop when guided by Transactor support.