Keyboard Shortcuts

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Use the following keys and key combinations as an alternative to clicking menus and icons with your mouse:



Transactor Help


Copy to New job


New Job


Edit job




Quote/Hold job


Book in job


Book out job ongoing


Book out job completed


Delete job


Show Customer History


Clear Form

Ctrl + Spacebar

Set form focus to HOME position (as defined in User Preferences)

Ctrl + Enter

Set form focus to Customer position

Ctrl + 0

Open the Forms Manager - Show dropdown menu of open forms

Ctrl + 1 thru Ctrl + 9

Switch to Form number n (where n is 1 thru 9 denoting an open form)

Ctrl + Home

Go to First Job (based on job number sequence)

Ctrl + PgUp

Go to Previous Job (based on job number sequence)

Ctrl + PgDn

Go to Next Job (based on job number sequence)

Ctrl + End

Go to Last Job (based on job number sequence)

Ctrl + B

Toggle bundle display of line items

Ctrl + D

Open the Batch Report Manager

Ctrl + F

Show dropdown Favorites menu

Ctrl + G

Search/Select customer or Add new Customer

Ctrl + H

Show history of current job

Ctrl + I

Search/Select item or Add new Item

Ctrl + J

Search/Select job

Ctrl + K

Close current form (Forms Manager)

Ctrl + M

Receive payment/give credit on this Customer

Ctrl + N

Set form focus to Job No position

Ctrl + O

Open a new form (Forms Manager)

Ctrl + P

Search/Select patient job (ie. Patient search)

Ctrl + R

Show System (or recent) history

Ctrl + S

Setup Wizard / Control Centre

Ctrl + T

Search/Select DeliverTo details or Add new DeliverTo details (ie. Practice)

Ctrl + U

User Preferences