EDI Remitter |
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This application is part of the Commercial Module add-on.
Click here for more informaton on the Commercial Module add-on
EDI Remitter Introduction
This application will allow you to select or import a list of sales invoices, and pay them with funds taken from a given principal account.
The principal account can be any customer account you choose, even an ordinary customer or dentist.
Why use it?
An administration task that might take several hours or days could take just a few minutes with this application.
When you get a large remittance which is to cover many invoices for several customers. To otherwise manually split the remittance, identify the invoices, and separately enter the remittances on each account could take a lot of time.
To run
Use Add-Ons menu > EDI Remitter ...OR Use Windows Start Menu > Transactor V8 > EDI Remitter.
Main Menu
Note, use the Help button at the bottom left of each page of the Remitter for help specific to the current page.
What it does
The principal account
In Step 3 we are asked to choose an account from which to transfer the money...
Notice in the drop down selector you can select any customer account as the 'Transfer money from account', this is because you can receive a remittance from any customer account if you so wish. See: Principal Accounts
Go to next topic:
Step 1 Manually make a remittance advice list
Step 1 Import a Remittance File
Also See:
Understanding the remittance format