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System History (or press Ctrl + E on your keyboard)
View a log of various events that have occurred while using Transactor. This includes actions performed on jobs, reports generated, emails sent and transactions made.
Read more about the Event History window here
Backup Data
Perform a backup of the Transactor database. You will be prompted to confirm this action as Transactor will close and the Backup utility will open.
Read more about the Backup Utility here
Restore from Backup
Perform a restore of data from a backup file you have already created. You will be prompted to confirm you wish to close Transactor, where you can also choose to create a new backup file at that point.
If you choose to close Transactor, the Restore Utility will open. It will perform a safety backup and then prompt you to choose which backup file you wish to restore from.
When you perform a restore, your current Transactor data will be REPLACED by the data in the backup file you choose.
Read more about the Restore Utility here
This function allows you to export your data into a CSV format, using pre-defined templates that are compatible with a number of applications.
Read more about this utility here
Print/Send (or press F5 on your keyboard)
This will call up the Print dialog window, so you can print or send (to file or email) any document that is valid for the current job.
This will close Transactor. On single-user versions (ie. Pro1) you will also be prompted if you wish to perform a backup.