This guide will familiarise you with LabManager, version 8.3 or 8.31.

It is designed so you can follow quick tasks when you have some time, and easily jump back in from where you left off previously.

What is Transactor LabManager?

LabManager is a software application for administering a dental laboratory. It can be hosted on a desktop PC, or multi-user via Transactor LabManager (cloud version). With the cloud version, users can connect through the dedicated software on Windows or Mac OSX, or through a web browser.


Read more in What is LabManager



What should I do now?

Have a read of each page by clicking through the topics in the table of contents, or use the button at the bottom of each page.


To try the recommended practice examples, you'll need to have access to LabManager, either via a local desktop install or through LabManager (cloud version). You can always sign up for the desktop trial and install it on another PC to practice with the demo data that comes pre-installed with it.


Feel free to experiment with the example data that comes with the download.


We'll keep things simple for now, you'll have the opportunity to use more advanced features if you need them later.








Also see:

Frequently Asked Questions