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Note that many of the items in this menu are designed for the use of technical staff or Transactor Support.




Bookout Jobs by Due Date


Provides a quick method to mark all jobs with the specified Due Date as Booked Out Completed. This can save time if you wish to complete all of the day's work as it will save you booking out each individual job manually.


Upon running this option you will be prompted to specify a Due Date before a list of all jobs with this Due Date is presented to you.

You will then need to confirm you wish to go ahead and book those jobs out as completed.







This will bring up a set of Maintenance tools that Transactor Support may use, or guide you through using.


Read more about the Maintenance tools here





Set Early Payment Discount


This allows you to set the early payment discount rate (%) and number of days across either all customers, or only those customers that are linked to the practice currently displayed in the DelivTo box on the Main Form.


This utility is useful if you wish to change the early payment discount rate and days on a large number of customers as the alternative would be to manually edit these settings on each individual customer.


From the screen that appears, choose either "All Customers" or "Linked to practice on main form"

Specify the Early Payment (EP) Discount % that you wish to set on those customers.

Specify the number of days you will give your customers to pay, to be eligible for the discount.


Click OK and the process will run, then provide a confirmation summary when it is complete.


Read more about customer discounts here





Assertions Report


This report gives a quick reference to the total quantity and total value of jobs, sales items, invoices, credit notes, voided documents and credits and debits - over the specified period.





Re-allocate payments for Customer


This utility will automatically re-allocate all payments for one or more customers. Payments and Credit Notes will be allocated on an oldest first basis.


Read more about the re-allocate payments utility here





Un-allocate payments for Customer


This utility will un-allocate all payments for one or more customers.


Read more about the un-allocate payments utility here





Toggle Bundle Display

(or press Ctrl + B on your keyboard)


Enable or display viewing of bundled items on the line item display. Usually bundled items are shown 'nested' underneath the parent item. This utility will prevent the bundled items from showing on all jobs. You will need to use this utility again to re-enable viewing of bundled items.


Read more about products and bundled items here