Utility - Maintenance

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How to get here


Tools menu > Utilities > Maintenance.


Windows Start Menu > All Apps (or All Programs) > Transactor Lab Manager 7 > Maintenance.




The tools provided on this utility are provided for use under the guidance of Transactor Support.




Remote Support (PRIMARY)


This will take you to a webpage where you can start a remote session with a Transactor Support engineer, allowing them to control your PC. You will need to have arranged the remote session with Transactor Support prior to clicking this button.


Alternative methods for commencing remote support is via the Help menu within Lab Manager, or from the Share Desktop link on our website.





Remote Support (SECONDARY)


This will allow you to start a remote session with a Transactor Support engineer, allowing them to control your PC. Usually, the PRIMARY remote support option should be used - but in case of any problems with that method, this alternative can be used.





Table Maintenance


In extreme cases, data can become corrupted if your PC is unstable through a power cut, hard drive failure, crashes etc. If these things occur, you may experience error messages when you start Lab Manager. In the first instance you should contact Transactor Support to help you resolve the problem. Under their guidance they mask ask you to use this utility to attempt to fix any problems.


You should only use this utility if Transactor Support has asked you to.


Fix Indexes will attempt to recreate the index for each of your database files. This is a quick process and can solve simple index corruption problems.


Pack and Re-Index will fix the indexes as above, but will also remove any "slack" empty space from the database files. This slack space can build up over time in some files due to usual everyday tasks such as deleting and modifying jobs. You may have heard of the same situation occurring on your Microsoft Windows, requiring you to defragment. Packing the files can make them smaller and more efficient which can give a speed increase in Lab Manager, as well as reduce the size of the database and backup files. This process can take a few minutes to run on large databases.


Clean ReportRun can reduce the size of your database considerably, but it does this by removing the history of reports you've produced. The last 30 days of reporting history will be kept. This procedure can take a couple minutes to run if you have a particularly large database.


Clean EmailQ can reduce the size of your database considerably, particularly if you produce a lot of emails. This process will remove your email history bar the last 30 days and can take a couple of minutes if you have a particularly large database.





Cancel a Pending Update


The usual process to update your Lab Manager is to download the update installer from our website (or we may have emailed a link to you), run the installer, then start Lab Manager to perform any database conversion required.


If, after running the installer and starting Lab Manager, you find Lab Manager is unable to install the update and you still can't get into Lab Manager, you can use this utility to prevent the update from trying to install the next time you start Lab Manager.


Some pending updates cannot be cancelled. These are usually major updates that once prepared, will need to complete the update.


You will need to contact Transactor Support in order to use this utility.





Remove a Recent Update


If you encounter problems after installing an update, this utility will remove the update and return your Lab Manager to the condition it was in at the date and time you installed the update. Any changes you have made to Lab Manager (including working on jobs) after the date and time of the update will be removed.


Some updates cannot be reversed through this utility - these are usually major updates that would require manual intervention by Transactor Support in order to roll back.


You will need to contact Transactor Support in order to use this utility.





System Information


This utility provides simple information about your computer and Lab Manager database/s. It can be useful for helping Transactor Support to resolve problems you might be experiencing, as well as provide a reference for yourself or your IT technician.


Click the "Get System Information" button to view the information.

Click "Save as File" to save the information in a rich text file at the location you choose.





Tech Support SQL Tool


This tool may be used by a Transactor Support technician only, while they are remote controlling your computer, and requires their credentials to operate.





Update local ADS.INI


You should only use this utility if advised to do so by Transactor Support, and it should only be run on your Lab Manager server.


This button will automatically update the server name and IP address in the ads.ini file in your Lab Manager application folder. This file is used as a reference for your other computers on the network so they can easily locate the database.


This button can only be used when running the Maintenance Utility from the Windows Start Menu.