Move from Transactor 6 or 7 to 8 |
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If you are an existing user of Transactor 6 or Transactor Lab Manager 7, you may want to get your current database copied over to V8.
Choose an option from the list below:
Please ensure you complete the Coffee Break Tour before switching over to V8.
Transactor Lab Manager 7 users
You must be upgrading from the latest version of Transactor Lab Manager, which is 7.0901. If you have an older version, contact us.
If you have a multi-user licence for Transactor, or are upgrading to multi-user, there is a number of extra steps to the upgrade. We recommend you ask us to perform the migration for you, or we can supply instructions for your IT engineer.
You can use the 'Transactor 7.0901 IMPORT' icon that was automatically installed in your Windows Start Menu
You will need to contact the helpdesk to convert your data for you
Transactor 6 users
You can use the 'Transactor 6 IMPORT' icon that was automatically installed in your Windows Start Menu
You can easily import from a standard Transactor 6 backup file
You will need to use the "Transactor 6 Export Utility" on your Transactor 6 PC or XP Mode
You can easily import from a standard Transactor 6 backup file.
You will need to contact the helpdesk to convert your data for you.
If you are currently on an older version than Transactor 6 you need to upgrade to Transactor 6 first. Contact support for assistance.
Click here to determine if your Windows PC is 64-bit or 32-bit.
Please see the Help desk feedback & suggestions