Transactor 6 is on a different PC to Transactor 8, which is 64 bit |
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Instructions below are for Pro1 only. (ie. you use Transactor on one computer)
If your Transactor V8 PC is running 64-bit Windows, you will need to use the "Transactor 6 Exporter utility" to transfer the data into Transactor V8.
(Click here to determine if your Windows PC is 64-bit or 32-bit.)
Alternatively, to copy the utility from your Transactor V8 PC: on the Windows Start menu, open the icon "Transactor 6 EXPORT utility" from the Transactor folder. This will open the folder containing the Export utility. Copy this file to a memory stick and then insert that memory stick in your Transactor 6 PC (or XP Mode) and run it from there.
The utility will try to automatically find the location of your Transactor 6 data folder but you can select an alternative location using the "Browse..." button at the end of the row.
If you can't click "Next" check you have selected a valid location
If you can't click "Next" check you have selected a valid location
In extreme cases, this can take a few hours if you have a lot of data.