Transactor 6 is on a different PC to Transactor 8, which is 64 bit

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Instructions below are for Pro1 only. (ie. you use Transactor on one computer)



If your Transactor V8 PC is running 64-bit Windows, you will need to use the "Transactor 6 Exporter utility" to transfer the data into Transactor V8.


(Click here to determine if your Windows PC is 64-bit or 32-bit.)





1.Download the utility direct onto your Transactor 6 PC (or XP Mode), visit and click the "T6 Exporter utility" link.

Alternatively, to copy the utility from your Transactor V8 PC: on the Windows Start menu, open the icon "Transactor 6 EXPORT utility" from the Transactor folder. This will open the folder containing the Export utility. Copy this file to a memory stick and then insert that memory stick in your Transactor 6 PC (or XP Mode) and run it from there.

2.Once you've installed the utility on your Transactor 6 PC, you will have an icon on your desktop named "Transactor 6 Exporter" - open this now.
3.Click on the row labeled "Export from Transactor 6 on this computer".

The utility will try to automatically find the location of your Transactor 6 data folder but you can select an alternative location using the "Browse..." button at the end of the row.

4.Click on the "Next >" button
5.You now need to choose where you want the exported data to be placed. A good location is probably the memory stick you already have inserted into the PC, so click on the "Browse..." button and choose your memory stick and click OK then click "Next >".

If you can't click "Next" check you have selected a valid location

6.Click the "Start" button to begin the Export process. This can take a few minutes.
7.Once completed, remove the memory stick from the Transactor 6 computer and insert it into the Transactor V8 PC.
8.On your Windows Start menu, open the program "Transactor 6 IMPORT" from the Transactor folder.
9.Click on the row labeled "I have exported Transactor 6 data on a memory stick".
10.Click the "Browse..." button at the end of the row and locate your memory stick. Select the file "" on the memory stick and click OK then click "Next >".

If you can't click "Next" check you have selected a valid location

11.Click the "Start" button to begin the import process.

In extreme cases, this can take a few hours if you have a lot of data.







Note that after importing, you can log in with the same username and password that you used in the previous version.
As previous versions did not use case-sensitive passwords, but V8 does, try logging in with your old password using ALL CAPITALS
If you did not use a password previously, this will now have been set to   abc123
You can change your password once you've logged in, by using Tools menu > My Preferences


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