Transactor 7 is on the same PC as Transactor 8

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Instructions below are for Pro1 only. (ie. you use Transactor on one computer)



You can use the 'Transactor 7.0901 IMPORT' icon that is in your Windows Start Menu




1.On your Windows Start Menu, run the program "Transactor 7.0901 IMPORT" from the Transactor folder.
2.Click "Start Import"

In extreme cases, this can take up to an hour if you have a lot of data or an older computer.







Note that after importing, you can log in with the same username and password that you used in the previous version.
As previous versions did not use case-sensitive passwords, but V8 does, try logging in with your old password using ALL CAPITALS
If you did not use a password previously, this will now have been set to   abc123
You can change your password once you've logged in, by using Tools menu > My Preferences


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