DeliverTo (Edit)

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How to get here


If a Customer is on the Main Form:

Click on the DeliverTo box when your mouse pointer is a pointing hand   hand finger pointer
or Choose Edit from the DeliverTo menu
or Press Return on your keyboard when the Deliver To name is highlighted



From the Delivery locations selection list (available from the DeliverTo menu > Select or Add New):


Right click (or press Spacebar with a customer highlighted) on a customer in the list, and select Edit from the popup menu



From the Control Centre > Setup Wizard > Practices page:


Double click on an account in the list, or select it with the keyboard and press Return
Create a new DeliverTo by clicking the green plus symbol to the right of the practice list








Choose a Customer Type.  eg Practice. You would usually create a separate practice account to act as the Deliver To account for the dentists that work at that practice. However, you can use dentists, labs and other customer types as a Deliver To account.





Company / Title - First name - Surname


Tick Company to make the box into one to enter a company or organization name. This is the most suitable way to enter a practice name.







This is the "Delivery" address.

This address can be automatically copied to new customers that are linked to this delivery location, via the DeliverTo box on the customer's details.





Tels / Mobile


You've got space for up to 3 telephone numbers here.

These numbers can be automatically copied to new customers that are linked to this delivery location, via the DeliverTo box on the customer's details.





Primary Email


This is the delivery location's main email, it must be unique. You can only enter a single email address in this box. (you can enter multiple email addresses in the Email List box that is below this one).

This address can be automatically copied to new customers that are linked to this delivery location, via the DeliverTo box on the customer's details.


You must have configured your email settings before emails can be successfully sent from Transactor.


Also see Send to's





Email List


Add one or more alternative email addresses here.

These addresses can be automatically copied to new customers that are linked to this delivery location, via the DeliverTo box on the customer's details.


How to format multiple Email addresses




Single email

Multiple emails

Separate email addresses with commas or semi-colons,AbcBrighton@gmail,;AbcBrighton@gmail;


Note: for versions before 7.08 (November 2013) you should also use angled brackets as below




You must have configured your email settings before emails can be successfully sent from Transactor.


Also see Send to's







The delivery locations's website address, if available.





Tax Status


If you need to, click the button and choose a Country, enter a Tax Reg No and Apply Tax to Yes





Professional Titles


eg. BDS MBE BA(hons) etc.







Enter general notes here that relate to this delivery location.







General miscellaneous or extra notes area to store with this delivery record. It is possible to rename this box in your system to store specific information for your company's business rules. Contact Transactor support for assistance.





Group Reference


This can be used to store a 'customer group' reference if your customer requires this information on your documentation. eg. IDH Practice number.







Assign predefined or custom Tags to this delivery record. These may be used to easily select groups of customers for reports or change reporting and document printing behavior.


Some TAGS are built into the default system. For example DO NOT PRINT PATIENT NAMES ON INVOICES AND STATEMENTS. If this TAG is assigned to this customer, Transactor will print the Patient Reference only on those documents. Another built-in tag is PATIENT NAME PRINT FORMAT TFS which will make Transactor print patient names in Title, Firstname, Surname order on documents rather than the default Surname, Firstname, Title order.


To assign a TAG, click DialogWindows-Normal-Customer Edit2 then double click a TAG in the list.

To remove an assigned TAG, highlight a TAG in the list then click DialogWindows-Normal-Customer Edit3


To add a TAG to Transactor's list of available TAGs, go to the Setup Wizard, click Advanced, then Tags.


You can add as many TAGS as you like to a customer record.







If you un-tick this, then this DeliverTo record will be marked Inactive. It's the same as choosing DeliverTo > Delete (set as Inactive).. from the menu.


If an inactive DeliverTo is selected onto the form (using the account number, or by selecting a customer that is linked to an inactive DeliverTo, or by searching for inactive records), then the Main Form will stamp INACTIVE in red across the DeliverTo's address.


DialogWindows-Normal-DeliverTo Edit1



You won't see this DeliverTo in the normal Selection lists until such time as you re-activate the record.


To 'retrieve' an Inactive/deleted DeliverTo onto the Main Form

If you know the account number, enter it in the Customer or DeliverTo box and press Enter. The other way is to use the DeliverTo selector.


To Re-activate / Un-delete a DeliverTo

Retrieve the DeliverTo record onto the Main Form, then choose DeliverTo menu > Undelete (Set as Active), or with the delivery location's detail screen showing just put a tick in the Active box.