Practices |
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How to get here
Tools menu > Control Centre > Setup Wizard > Practices.
This page will allow you to add the names and addresses of the Dental Practices you do business with. Coupled with the Dentists page, these two pages allow you to set up your accounts.
Using the icon strip above the list box, click the white 'plus' symbol in the green bubble. You will be presented with a form from which you can enter the details of the new Practice. Refer to the help page Deliver To (Add New) for detailed help on adding the new practice.
Select the practice you wish to edit from the list, then using the icon strip above the list box, click the pencil icon.
You will be presented with the same screen as for Adding a Practice (above) where you can modify the practice's details. Refer to the help page Deliver To (Edit) for detailed help in modifying the practice details.