How to get here
Tools menu > Control Centre > Advanced > Payment Methods.
Use this page to adjust the properties of the credit and debit methods that Transactor can process. You can also add new payment types.
The current user will need to have Advanced control level to access this page.

This is the name of this type of credit/debit as it appears in a customer's history/statements and in the drop-down list when the user is adding a payment.
The type of transaction this credit/debit will create:
Journal Credit
Adjustment Credit - ie. You are correcting a mistake, giving a discount or otherwise moving credit that has already been received
Journal Debit
Adjustment Debit - ie. You are correcting a mistake, charging a fee or otherwise moving a debit that has already been taken
Sales Payment Debit/Refund
BACS Refund - ie. Giving a physical refund rather than applying credit
Sales Receipt/Credit
BACS Receipt - ie. Receiving a physical payment
The nominal account type that the debit will be applied to, for this payment type.
The nominal account type that the credit will be applied to, for this payment type.
Create a new Payment Type
Click the green button and complete the boxes to create a new payment type. Refer to the descriptions above.
Edit a Payment Type
Select a payment type in the list, then click the edit button to make modifications to that payment type. We do not recommend making changes to existing payment types unless you've been instructed to do so by Transactor Support.
Delete a Payment Type
Select a payment type in the list then click the red cross to remove the payment type from use.