Job Item (Edit)
How to get here
While you have an editable job on the Main Form, add an item by highlighting a row in the lower half of the Main Form, then press the Return key to select a product, or type the product code and press Return.
Once you have selected a product to add to the form, you will reach this screen.
While you have an editable job on the Main Form, edit an item by highlighting the item row in the lower half of the Main Form, then press the Return key or double click it.
When you select a priced item to be added to the job, you will be presented with this window. Complete the boxes as follows:
Description - The full name of the product. If this box is white you are able to make changes to the product's name if you wish. If the box is grey, the product's name is as shown and cannot be altered. You can control this restriction from the Products page of the Setup Wizard, by changing the "Can edit name and unit" box.
Unit - The unit type of this product, such as "grams" or "each". Unless a specific unit type is required this box may be blank. If the box is white then you are able to make changes to the unit type if you wish. If the box is grey, the unit type is as shown and cannot be altered. You can control this restriction from the Products page of the Setup Wizard, by changing the "Can edit name and unit" box.
Allow line discount - Discount is allowed to be applied to this item, such as a customer's order discount.
Qty - The quantity of this item to add to the job. This is the quantity in units, so if your Unit is "grams", this would represent the amount in grams of this product.
You can use the up and down arrows to the left of this box to raise or lower the quantity by one, or type the amount directly into the Qty box.
Band - The price band to use for this product. The default price band used is governed by the current customer's Usual Prices. You can, however, pick any price band you wish by clicking this box and selecting from the list.
Net Unit Price - The net price of a single unit of this product. The price shown here is set in your price list from the Products page of the Setup Wizard. However, you can overwrite this if you wish - in which case the Band will be cleared as the custom price would not be the 'official' price on your price list.
If this box is greyed out and not editable, this will be because the selected price band does not allow custom prices. This setting can be made in the Price Bands page of the Setup Wizard.
Line Total - The total net value of this item, given the Net Unit Price multiplied by the Quantity.
Tax Rate - The tax band that will apply to this item. The default for this product is defined from the Products page of the Setup Wizard. Tax bands can be edited from the Accounting Rules page of the Control Centre.
Due Date - The date the manufacture of this item is due to be completed. You can optionally leave this blank.
Item Dept - The department, which can be specified on the original product in your product list. You can also set this when adding the product to your job. Completing this box for each of your line items will allow you to report on them using Job menu > Select > Work Schedule (SDS Style), or from the Jobs List button on the toolbar.
Define your Item Departments from the Depts/Stage page of the Setup Wizard.
Completed - Tick this box if/when the work has been completed.
Technician - The technician or team that is working on manufacturing this item. You can use the technician reports to see what work each of your technicians has done. You can leave this blank.
Notation - Only fill this box in if you need a line level notation to be recorded. Add a line level notation here to have this show on the Job Ticket (SDS), but not on the normal Job Ticket.
Work Time per Unit (mins) - The length of time the technician will spend on manufacturing one unit of this item. You can optionally leave this blank.
Technician2 - If a second technician or team is involved in the manufacturing of this item, specify them here. You can optionally leave this blank.
REMAKE - Mark this item as a remake that can be either or both the lab's and the prescriber's fault.
Item's marked as a remake in this way will show the "REMAKE" suffix on-screen and on the job ticket, and can be reported on using the Sales selection list > Remakes, once the job has been marked completed.