How to get here


Tools menu > Control Centre > Setup Wizard > Images.




This page will allow you to upload your Company logo, as well as add any further graphics you may wish to use on your reports.


Before you can use an image within LabManager it must be uploaded into the database. Removing or changing any of the images in this list will affect all reports within LabManager that use that image.


Control Centre-Images


Advanced checkbox - When you first view this screen, only the "Company Logo" entry is visible in the list. To view all other images (including backgrounds used on reports, and accreditation logos) you will need to click the "Advanced" box at the bottom of the page.


Show Inactive Images - To view images that have been deleted, click the "Show inactive images" button at the bottom of the page.



You can use the controls on the right side to Add, Edit, Remove and View the images - although you will need to click the Advanced button to enable the add and delete buttons.




ADD - Add a new image

EDIT - Select an image in the list then click this icon to make changes to the Images details, or change the image associated with this item

DELETE - Select an image in the list then click this icon to Delete (mark as inactive) the image

VIEW - Select an image in the list then click this icon to view it





Setting your Company Logo



If you wish to change your Company Logo, you can do this by selecting the Company Logo item in the Image list, then click the blue Edit Image button on the right. Once you're on the Edit page, click "Get Image" to browse for your company logo image file.


If you wish to blank the current Company Logo, edit the image but instead of clicking "Get Image", just click the "Set to Blank Image" button.







Add a New Image




Click this button to add a new image to the Image library. Refer to the notes below for "Edit an Image" for a description of the buttons on the page that appears.


Note that any new image you add to the Image library will only be visible in the list after you click the "Advanced" checkbox at the bottom of the page.





Edit an Image




This button will allow you to change what image is associated with an Image item, and add some notes to go with it. It will not give you the ability to actually make changes to the image itself, you will need a graphics application to do this.


The buttons on this page are the same as for the Add a New Image screen:


View Image - This will display the current image in the Preview Window. You can use the controls to zoom in/out and print, as usual. Click the cross at the top right of the Preview Window to close it.


Get Image - You will be prompted to browse to the image file you wish to use. This will replace the image currently associated with this image item.


Set to Blank Image - Replace the current image with a blank (ie. empty) image. Useful if you wish to quickly remove the image from any reports.


Name - The original file name when the image was added to LabManager. Once an image has been selected (using Get Image) you should not need to alter this box.


File Type - The original file type from when the image was added to LabManager. Once an image has been selected (using Get Image) you should not need to alter this box.


Note - A note you may enter for your own reference.


Active - When ticked, this image is available for use on your reports. When unticked, the image will not be used and you will need to click the "View inactive images" button on the Images page to view this image item in future.





Delete An Image




Select an image in the list then click this icon to Delete (mark as inactive) the image.


Deleted images are not completely removed from the system, in fact they are kept intact but marked as inactive.

You can view deleted/inactive images by clicking the "Show inactive images" button at the bottom of the page.





View Image




Select an item in the list, then click this button to view the image in the Preview Window.

You can use the normal preview window controls to zoom in and out, print etc.

Close the preview window using the red cross on the toolbar, or the cross at the very top right of the Preview Window.