Book Out Job Completed

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With a Job on the Main Form booking out a job is just as simple as booking it in.


Select a job onto the Main Form
Choose Action - Action - Book Out Completed


Book Out job Completed1


You'll be prompted to confirm the usual print outs.


Book Out job Completed print options



Click Ok.


That's it. The Job is Booked Out charged and has a Tax Date.



The Print Outs prompted for are up to you. See Using the Setup Wizard - Printing Rules


If you want to Invoice for the whole month's work in one go, then don't print an invoice on Book Out.  Instead print or email the Summary Invoice Monthly at the end of the month. Also See Printing monthly invoices and statements.


If you wish you can change the tax date (the date on the invoice), but this will default to today's date.


If your screen cleared when you booked out, use the "Last Job" navigation control to move back to the job you were working on.


The invoice number associated with this job is shown at the top right of the form, along with the invoice date.



invoiced job



Book Out On-Going


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For a job that will be leaving the lab but is expected to be returned later (for the next stage of work) you choose Bookout Ongoing.


Transactor Lab Manager can prompt you for different Print Outs for this action. See Using the Setup Wizard - Printing Rules




Copying a Job Document

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