Copy a Job Document

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Sometimes you may want to make a copy of a job, for example start a new Job based on a previous Job.


The new copy job can bring forward all or just some of the details from a job that's currently on the Main Form.


We'll start a new job now, based on a previous Job. We want all the details such as Surgeon, Patient and Reference, but we don't want the priced items.


Start a New Job based on a Previous Job


Select any job onto the Main Form
Click Copy To New
Untick 'Value Items'
Click OK


copy a job1


Those of you who are still with us (reading tutorials is boring we know) may realise the potential of this Copy Action. You can Start a new job based on a previous job. You can quickly duplicate any job. You can make a copy without copying the Customer, so that the any job incorrectly completed for the wrong customer, can be copied and assigned to another customer (Raising a Credit note to cancel out the wrong one).


To your new copy, add some line items and Book it Out Ongoing.




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