Copying a Job Document

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Sometimes you may want to make a copy of a job, for example to start a new job based on a previous job.


The new copy job can bring forward all or just some of the details from a job that's currently on the Main Form.


We'll start a new job now, based on a previous job. We want to reuse all the details such as dentist, patient and reference but we don't want to keep the priced items.


Start a New Job Based on a Previous Job


Select the job you wish to copy so that it is now on the Main Form
Click 'Copy to new'
Untick 'Value Items'
Click OK
You will be prompted if this copy is a REMAKE at no charge. Click No.



If we chose Yes to make this a REMAKE then any value items on the job would be marked as zero value, and a note will be added as the last item in the list stating this is a remake at no charge. This note can be removed.



copy a job1


Those of you who are still with us may realise the potential of this copy action. You can start a new job based on a previous job, you can quickly duplicate any job and you can make a duplicate without copying the customer. This means that any job completed for the wrong customer can be copied and assigned to the correct customer (raising a credit note to cancel out the wrong one).


Add some line items to your new copy and click Bookout ongoing.





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