Depts / Stages |
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How to get here
Tools menu > Control Centre > Setup Wizard > Depts / Stages.
From this screen you can set up your departments and stages, to help you categorise your jobs.
Using the icon strip on the right, click the white 'plus' symbol in the green bubble. You will be prompted to enter a name for the new job department or stage. Leave "Active" ticked or the new department will not be available for use.
Select the department you wish to edit from the list, then using the icon strip on the right, click the pencil icon.
You will be presented with the same screen as for Adding a Job Department (above) where you can rename the department or change the active status of it using the "Active" checkbox. This will mark the department as either available or unavailable for use, although to make this department available you should leave a tick mark in the box.