Assign Technician and Work Units To Items

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This topic will show you how to configure product items so that a technician is assigned as the item is entered onto a Job. In addition, work units per item quantity can be configured and reported on. You should consider the benefits and disadvantages of enabling this feature.






You can specify the number of work units per item qty


You can produce technician reports allowing you to track turn-around, run a work incentive bonus scheme or identify low performers.






Slow data entry - takes longer to put items onto a job when booking in or out.


Data integrity - operators would have to be careful to check the correct technician has been assigned


Data integrity - when work is reassigned to a different technician Transactor must be updated or it will be incorrect






If you have not already added your Technicians as Users, you will need to do this from the Control Centre. Follow the steps on the Users/Technicians page for adding new technicians. Technicians will need to have the "Usergroup - Technician" permission added to their profile to be eligible for assigning to work.





To assign a Technician to a product, and set work time units



Add a product to a job, or modify a Product that's already on a job by right clicking the item and choosing "Edit" from the menu. Note, the job must already be in Edit mode to do this.


In the "Edit Job Item" box, pick the primary Technician/Team by clicking the "Technician\Team" box and choosing the technician or team from the list. If the technician is not in the list you should ensure they have been added to Users/Technicians in the Setup Wizard, and they are a member of "Usergroup - Technician".
You can mark whether the work has been completed by changing the "Completed" box to Yes. Note that when you book out the job as completed, Transactor will prompt you if you have items on the job which aren't already marked as completed, and will offer to set them as completed.
You can set the number of minutes expected to be worked (or has been worked) on a single item unit in the "Work time per unit (mins)" box. Note, this is per unit so if you have an item with quantity 2, you will want to enter the amount of time spent working on 1 of those.
If a secondary technician or team will work on the item, select this technician in the "Technician\Team 2" box.
If you wish, you can record the date the next stage of this item's production is due.


Click OK to save your changes, or Cancel to lose them.





To mark work completed



With the Job on the Main Form, and in an Edit state:


Double click the line item, or right click it and select Edit from the menu
Change the "Completed" box from No to Yes by clicking it and choosing the response from the menu that drops down
Click the OK button to save your change





Also See


Reporting > Technicians


Control Panel > Users/Technicians