Creating a customer with an opening balance

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If you wish to create a customer with an existing debit or credit on their account, such as if you're creating an a customer account to match their balance in your old software, follow these steps:



Bring a dentist onto the Main Form
Use Customer menu > Make Refund/Debit (if the account is in debit) or Add Payment/Credit (if the account is in credit)
Enter a tax date that is earlier than the period of the first statement you wish to produce. This is so the statement shows a balance carried forward for that month, rather than showing a debit has been added for the balance. For example, if you will be running your first statement in Transactor for May, you should create the customer's opening balance dated any time from April or older.
Set the Method as "Adjustment Debit" or "Adjustment Credit"
Enter the Amount
Click OK