Transactor Restore

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How to get here




In Lab Manager, choose File menu > 'Restore from Backup' and choose Yes to confirm.




From the Windows Start Menu, choose All Apps (or All Programs) > Transactor Lab Manager 7 > Restore Transactor 7.





Network Lab Manager users (ie. multi-user installations) should read the help page here instead of this page.






Transactor Restore will restore your Lab Manager data from a portable file.  It can be used to restore a copy of your whole Lab Manager data, from a previous Backup onto any computer which has Lab Manager installed on it.


Transactor Restore will automatically produce a backup file of your current data before replacing it with the data to be restored.



Quick Reference



Restore button

Prompt for a previous Backup file, then Perform an Automatic backup and start a restore.

Company to restore:

The currently installed Lab Manager data. Hover the name to view the full data folder location. This company data may be your out-of-date data, or that of the trial version demo, or a blank company data set.

Remember the settings on this device

Leave this ticked to use the same Restore From settings next time.

Cancel / Close button

This button will close Transactor Restore. If it is labelled Cancel then no restore has been done.








Using Transactor Restore




How do I get the data back if I need it?


You use Transactor Restore which will prompt you for where your backup file is. If you've lots of backup files, then you'll probably want to pick the most recent one.


If your Backup To: location (see Quick Reference above) was set to say  C:\transactor\backups then that's where you'll find the backup file to restore from.


If your Backup To: location was set to a removable device or cloud drive, then you'll need to have access to that location and tell Transactor Restore where it is.


Understanding the backup file


Each backup is a file which is a uniquely named and date-time stamped self-contained package (a single compressed .zip file).


For example a backup made at 1632hrs on the 30sep2013 would produce a file named


It contains all your Lab Manager data including your company details, registration details, customer records, and all jobs and invoices etc. In fact, everything that you could see and access in Lab Manager before you did the backup.


How do I take my Transactor Lab Manager data home, use it there, then bring it back?


At your work, you'd exit Lab Manager and do a backup to a memory stick or cloud drive. Then at home you'd use Transactor Restore. Likewise in reverse when you're done.




Also See


Transactor Backup