Move from Transactor 6 to 7

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You may now want to get your existing Transactor data (jobs and surgeons etc) copied over, so choose an option from the list below:



Please ensure you complete the Coffee Break Tutorial before switching over to Lab Manager.



If you have Transactor 6 currently on a normal PC, and Lab Manager (Transactor 7) is also installed on this, click here.

You can use the standard 'T6 to 7 IMPORT' icon that was automatically installed with Lab Manager 7


If you have Transactor 6 on a different PC to your Lab Manager (Transactor 7) program, and the Lab Manager PC is not a 64-bit PC, click here.

You can easily import from any available standard Transactor 6 backup file


If you have Transactor 6 on a different PC to your Lab Manager (Transactor 7) program, or Transactor 6 is inside a 'virtual' window - and the Lab Manager PC is a 64-bit PC, click here.

You will need to use the "Transactor 6 Export Utility" on your Transactor 6 PC or virtual machine


If you don't have Transactor 6 working anywhere but you have the data or a backup, and your Lab Manager (Transactor 7) PC is not 64-bit click here

You can easily import from any available standard Transactor 6 backup file.


If you don't have Transactor 6 working anywhere but you have the data or a backup, and the Lab Manager (Transactor 7) PC is 64-bit click here

You will need to contact the helpdesk to convert your data for you.






If you are currently using Transactor 5 you will need to upgrade to Transactor 6 first. Contact support for assistance.


Click here to determine if your Windows PC is 64-bit or 32-bit.


Please see the Help desk feedback & suggestions