Transactor 6 is not working but you have the data or a backup

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If you have a Transactor 6 backup file and your Lab Manager (Transactor 7) PC is not 64-bit


(Click here to determine if your Windows PC is 64-bit or 32-bit)


See I have a normal Transactor 6 backup file on a memory stick or in a folder on my new PC




A normal Transactor 6 backup file would be named according to this pattern:   ""  eg.  (a backup made April 17th at 1430hrs).The year is not encoded in the file name but you can still right-click the file in Windows explorer and choose Properties.


Transactor 6 produces these backup files when you chose the default  'backup then exit' option.  The file may be located on your hard drive or your backup memory stick depending on your T6 configuration. Each file is self-contained and contains all your job transactions, products, prices and surgeon records etc.




If you don't have a recent backup but do have a Transactor 6 data folder available, and your Lab Manager PC is not 64-bit


Use this option if you can't run Transactor 6 for some reason but you have access to the hard drive on which it was installed.


You will need to copy the main Transactor 6 data folder over to the PC that has Lab Manager on it. Then use the standard "Transactor 6 to 7 IMPORT" program. Here's how to do that.


1.Get hold of the T6 data folder

The data folder you want would normally be located in C:\tran61\lab\live\data, copy it to a memory stick or zip it up and email it to yourself. Get a techie to help you. You may already have this step done of course.


2. Copy the T6 data folder onto the Lab Manager PC

Copy the data folder to the PC that you have Lab Manager installed on. Put it somewhere easy to get to eg. 'C:\T6\data'.


3. Import your data into Lab Manager

Use the standard T6 to T7 import (using the guide here: v6 and v7 are on a normal pc) but just remember where you placed your data as you will need to Browse to this location within the import utility.