Accounting reports



Aged Debtors by Statement Month


From the Transactor Lab Manager Menu bar, choose Report > Accounting > Aged Debtors


Choose a Sort By to specify in which order the list should be shown:   by Customer ID, Customer Name or Total Balance

Enter the Tax Date of which the balances should reflect







How to interpret this report


The ageing and selection criteria is based on statement months,  and these are relative to the Current month. The current month is the month that the specified tax date lies in.


This is not the number of months since the Invoice tax point, but the calendar month of the Invoice tax point. This is much more useful than other methodologies such as 30,60,90 days because the aging reflects the way that most businesses in this trade submit their monthly statements or summary (monthly) invoices. No matter which day of the month you produce the report, the column for say, Prev Month, will accurately match the amount that the customer should have remitted for last month's statement or summary invoice. If the report was based on number of days (or months) since tax date, then on the 20th October, invoices with a tax date of 15th September would be summed in the Mth 2 column giving a false representation since the customer may well be up to date with their remittances and within the (30 days) terms specified on the September Statement (or summary invoice) sent to them on the 2nd October.


To summarise with an example, if running the above report on 20 Oct 2013, then the Invoices listed will be columnised as follows:


Aged Statement Month

Invoices with a tax date between

Current Month

1 oct and 31 oct 2013

Prev Month

1 sep and 30 sep 2013

Month 2

1 aug and 31 aug 2013

Month 3 Plus

31 july or older



Also See:

Outstanding Invoices report





Invoices in Period


From the Transactor Lab Manager Menu bar, choose Report > Accounting > Invoices In Period


Choose the First Date to base the report on

Choose the Last Date to use. All data between the first and last dates will be reported on

Enter a Customer ID (Optional) to specify a particular customer to report on, otherwise leave this blank to report on ALL customers





First Date: 01/07/13

Last Date: 31/07/13

Customer ID (Optional):  <leave blank>







List booked out uncharged


From the Transactor Menu bar, choose Report > Accounting > List booked out uncharged.


This will identify work you may have done in part and it has been booked out ongoing, but it has not been returned for subsequent stages. You are probably within your rights to invoice for this work done after a reasonable period has elapsed.


Variable selection criteria


Choose the Customer to report on. You may choose "All Customers" or use the customer you currently have showing on the main form

Choose to show Jobs older than (days) where you should enter the number of days back you wish to report on




Customer: All customers    

Jobs older than (days):  30







Managers Financial Report


From the Report menu choose Accounting > Managers Report.



Enter the period start and end date.




The normal date format is '31/12/2015' and Transactor will accept expressions such as  'last month start, last month end, today, today - 7' etc.







Payments Report


List payments grouped by Payment Method, with a Summary breakdown on the last page.


Choose the Customer to use, either All Customers or enter the ID of the customer you wish to report on


Enter the First Date of the period to report on

Enter the Last Date of the period to report on





First Date:  last month start     Last Date: last month end








Summary Totals Report


Provides a summary for each Transaction type in the period


From the Transactor Menu bar, choose Report > Accounting > Summary Totals Report


Enter the First Date of the period to base the report on

Enter the Last Date of the period to base the report on





First Date:  last month start     Last Date: last month end







Reports > Customers

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