Add a New Customer

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This topic will explain how to add a new dentist.


If you want to start setting up your own company database now, first see Clear the demo data and start from fresh



A video covering adding new customers is available below.





Add a dentist and choose a dental practice



For this example we'll add a dentist directly from the Main Form.


If you're planning on adding many dentists and/or practices in one go, you'll find it quicker to use the Setup Wizard's Practices or Dentists pages. (see Setup Transactor for your lab).



From the Customer menu, choose  'Select or Add New'


The customer selection list appears. Notice existing dentists are shown.


Click 'Add New' to make a new customer


Add a new customer1




The 'Add New Customer' screen appears. Start entering some details for this customer.



Note that you can assign a customer ID number to a new dentist, or use the number that Transactor has suggested.

Once you save the customer you cannot change the ID.



Add a new customer2


Our example customer type is a Dentist, and so Transactor prompts us to choose a practice.



Click 'Deliver to / Practice' and choose a dental practice for this dentist.


Add a new customer3


If the practice isn't already in the Transactor database, you can add it now.


Click OK


You'll be asked if you want to go ahead and copy the practice's address to the customer's address, and then if you also want to copy the practice's telephone numbers and primary email address across.


Click Yes to both of these questions


Add a new customer4



Note that if you need to copy the practice address to the customer's address in future, you can click the blue arrow above the 'Deliver to / Practice' button.



Add a new customer4b




Now enter the rest of the details


Add a new customer6




Finally, we're going to add some price bands that can be used for this customer. If a particular price band is not added to this customer's profile, those prices will not be available to the customer.


Click the Prices tab button at the bottom right of the page
Add prices for use by this customer by clicking the green plus icon then Ctrl+clicking each price band to add to this customer, then click Select
Select one of the price bands to be this customer's usual prices, by selecting it then clicking the star


Add a new customer6b




There's advanced stuff we've left out, the Tags for example. Tags are a powerful feature which allow a lab manager to assign user defined properties to implement business rules specific to this customer. For example, a tag might be assigned to indicate that this customer is one of several others in a group, who require a certain type of Summary Invoice or statement. Tags can be used in many reports to make it easy to produce the ideal documentation for each group of surgeons. New tags can be created in the Control Centre (Tools > Control Centre > Advanced > Tags > Customer).



Once you've saved your new dentist by clicking OK, you'll see they've appeared on the Main Form with that customer's account address on the top left, and the delivery address (aka practice) on the right.


Add a new customer7



Just for fun let's go back into the customer's details, and change the customer's icon avatar.


On the Main Form, click the customer's address (or choose Customer menu > Edit). Click the icon to the right of the customer's name and choose a new avatar.


Add a new customer8




To indicate a different customer address


Now we'll indicate a different customer address such as that of a principal dentist in the practice. The customer address will appear on invoices.


Bring up the dentist you created earlier. On the Main Form, click the customer's address (or choose Customer > Edit), then ensure the customer address is correct for your invoicing requirements.


In this example we have just inserted the text "INVOICE TO: Accounts Department" to the first row of the customer address.


Add a new customer9






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