Receive Payments from Principal Accounts |
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If you regularly receive large remittances from Principal Accounts to pay off invoices for several accounts, then you may be better off getting the Transactor Remitter add-on module.
Also see: Managing Principal accounts with the Remitter
To enter principal account remittances without the Transactor Remitter add-on:
1. On the Principal Account enter the whole value of the Remittance. Also add payment credits for any discounts that apply. 2. For each of the Sub-accounts, transfer their value from the Principal Account to the Sub account as follows:
Allow Transactor to Automatically Allocate the credit (recommended).
Example: Transferring value from the Principal Account to a Sub account
Customer account 455 has remitted a BACS payment of 17500.00, 1950.82 of which is to pay off his Summary Invoice for April, plus pay for two other dentist accounts.
This image of the account history window clearly shows this customer's situation after the receipt has been entered, but before the other accounts are paid off with any transfers.
We make a refund/debit 'Transfer to sub-acct dentists' for each sub-account. In the example below we're stating a debit of 3729.14 should be added to the principal account which represents the amount owing to account 1365.
Now, select Customer ID 1365 onto the Main Form, Choose Customer menu > Add payment/ credit Choose appropriate tax date Choose method 'transfer fm principal acct.'
Repeat for any additional dentists by making a "Refund/Debit" on the principal account, and making a "Payment/Credit" on the sub-account.
Job done.
NoteIf you regularly receive large remittances from Principal Accounts to pay off invoices for several accounts, then you may be better off getting the Transactor Remitter add-on module.