Receive payment/give credit

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The current user will need the permission "Usergroup - Accounts" to use this function.



How to get here


While you have a customer on the Main Form:


Use Customer menu > Add Payment/Credit


Press the Ctrl and M keys together on your keyboard




Use this form to add credit into the current customer's account.


The credit will need to be allocated to open invoices, which you can either do manually or you can allow Transactor to apply this on an earliest-invoice-first basis. Use the "Automatically allocate this credit" box to toggle between automatic and manual allocation.




Tax Date


Enter the date this transaction was made. This will default to the current date.





The type of transaction:


Adjustment Credit

For any credit method where the following methods don't apply, use this method.

BACS, Card, Cash, Cheque Receipt, Direct Debit

Standard payment methods

Early Payment Disc Given

Add an amount of discount credit to the account, where you have offered this to a customer for paying their bill early. See Customer Discounts - Early Payment Discount

Opening Balance Credit

When creating a new customer record, use this to enter an amount of opening credit on their account. For example, if you are moving to Transactor from a different system and this customer's account is already £100 in credit, use this method to record this.

Transfer from Principal Acct

Record an amount of credit that has been transferred from another account. For example, if the principal dentist at a practice makes a payment to cover all the dentists at the practice you could record the full payment in the principal dentist's account then transfer each dentist's proportion into each dentist account. You would use this method to record the payment coming in to this customer account.

See Receive payments from principal accounts

Write-off underpayment/bad debt

Use this method to clear any debt or agreed underpayment from an account, perhaps so the account shows as balanced. (ie. nothing owing)






Enter a payment reference, such as a cheque or card number.





The amount of credit to add to the customer's account.





Any notes which will be useful to keep along with the payment, such as the account number of account transfers or the reason for an adjustment credit.



Automatically allocate this credit


If this box is ticked, Transactor will allocate the credit to the earliest available invoices. If the box is not ticked, you will be asked to manually allocate the credit yourself once you click OK.

See Allocate Credit