Make refund/debit

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The current user will need the permission "Usergroup - Accounts" to use this function.


How to get here


While you have a customer on the Main Form:


Use Customer menu >Make Refund/Debit




Use this form to add a debit onto the current customer's account.





Tax Date


Enter the date this transaction was made. This will default to the current date.





The type of transaction:


Adjustment Debit

For any debit method where the following methods don't apply, use this method.

BACS, Card, Cash, Cheque Refund

Standard methods for making a refund.

Late Settlement Charge

Add an amount to charge the customer for late payment.

Opening Balance Debit

When creating a new customer record, use this to enter an amount of opening debit on their account. For example, if you are moving to Transactor from a different system and this customer already owes £100, use this method to record this.

Transfer to sub-acct dentists

Record an amount that will be transferred to other dentist accounts. For example, if the principal dentist at a practice makes a payment to cover all the dentists at the practice you could record the full payment in the principal dentist's account then transfer each dentist's proportion into each dentist account. You would use this method to record the amount leaving this customer's account, before recording it being received in the sub-dentist account.

See Receive payments from principal accounts

Write-off overpayment

Use this method to clear any credit or overpayment from an account, perhaps so the account shows as balanced.






Enter a payment reference, such as a cheque or card number.





The amount of debit to add to the customer's account.





Any notes which will be useful to keep along with the payment, such as the account number of account transfers or the reason for an adjustment debit.