Sending and receiving notes and attachments
You can send notes to the lab, and they can send notes over to you. Additionally, both parties can attach files to the job - such as 3D scans, photos and other documents.
Generally, notes and attachments created by you (or the other users at your location) will be aligned to the LEFT. Notes and attachments created by the other party will be aligned to the RIGHT. In the following screenshot, as the practice, our notes and attachments are aligned to the left, with the lab's notes aligned to the right. Note that you can Open, Add New or Delete general notes and attachments by right-clicking on the item and choosing the appropriate action from the pop-up menu.
Sending general notes
You will see your note appears in the General Notes area, left aligned, with the date and time, and with your user code prefixed before it.
If you are creating a TEST job while learning the software, you could add a note here to let the lab know they should ignore this job.
Receiving general notes from the lab
The incoming note will be shown in the General Notes area, right aligned, with the date and time, and with the lab's user code prefixed.
Sending attachments
You will see the file name appears in the Attachments area, left aligned, prefixed with the date and time, and your user code.
You can view the file by double-clicking it in the list.
Receiving attachments from the dentist
The incoming attachment's file name will be shown in the Attachments area, right aligned, and prefixed with the date and time and user's code.
You can view the file by double-clicking it in the list.