Set Early Payment Discount
Find this utility in Tools menu > Utilities.
This utility will allow you to quickly update the Early Payment Discount %, and optionally Days, for all customers or for just those customers linked to the practice displayed on the Main Form in the "Practice" area on the right.
In the Customers box, choose:
"All Customers" to apply the EPD changes to all customers in the database
"Linked to Practice on Main Form" to apply the EPD changes only to those dentists linked to the practice currently displayed in the "Practice" area at the top right of the Main Form
In the EPD % box, enter the percentage EPD you wish to use on the selected customers
In the Days box, optionally enter the number of days for which the EPD % will apply. (eg. enter 14 if the EPD discount applies if the customer pays within 14 days of the invoice date)