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Sales by Product


Lists product code, quantity and net value of sales by product


From the Transactor Lab Manager Menu bar, choose Report > Sales > Sales by product


Select the Customer to run the report for, or use the current customer on the main form

Enter the From date of the period to run the report for

Enter the To date of the period to run the report for

Select the Sort by to specify how to order the report



Customer:  All customers        First Date: last month start        Last Date: last month end

Sort by:        code


reports-sales-sales by product





Sales by Product grouped by price band


Lists price band, product code, quantity and net sales by product for each price band used in the date period. A report summary gives totals for each Price band


From the Transactor Lab Manager Menu bar, choose Report > Sales > Sales by product grouped by price band


Select the Customer to run the report for, or use the current customer on the main form

Enter the From date of the period to run the report for

Enter the To date of the period to run the report for

Select the Sort by to specify how to order the report





Customer:All customers   First Date:last month start        Last Date:last month end      Sort by:code


reports-sales-sales by product grouped by priceband





Sales by Product grouped by nominal account


Lists price band, product code, quantity and net sales by product for each Nominal Account used in the date period. A report summary gives totals for each Nominal Account.


From the Transactor Lab Manager Menu bar, choose Report > Sales > Sales by product grouped by nominal account


Select the Customer to run the report for, or use the current customer on the main form

Enter the From date of the period to run the report for

Enter the To date of the period to run the report for

Select the Sort by to specify how to order the report




Customer:All customers   First Date: Last month start        Last Date: Last month end      Sort by: Net Sales


reports-sales-sales by product grouped by nominal acct




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