How to get here
From the Reports menu, choose Customers > Batch Report Manager
From the Tools menu, choose Batch Report Manager
The Batch Report Manager (BRM) assists you through the process of selecting your customers and then generate and distribute reports or documents. After generating the reports, you can preview them directly from the list before deciding where to 'Send' them in Step 3.
In practice the BRM gives Lab Manager users the ability to do one report/document run for those customers with email addresses, and another report/document run for those that require printed reports. The BRM can be run several times if required, selecting a different customer sub-group or different reports.
Click here to skip to Quick Reference
This window is a Wizard taking the user through Steps 1 to 3 in order to select customers, generate reports, and then distribute them.
Refer to the top left of the Batch Report Manager for reference as to which STEP you are currently on.

Step 1 - Select Customers
You will need to specify which customer accounts you wish to run reports for. You can do this by clicking the Customers box and selecting one of these options:
Surgeons by Name
Allows you to specify all or part of a surgeon name to run reports for, or to run reports for ALL surgeons
You can specify the surgeon name to search for by entering it in the Contains box, or leave this box blank to select ALL surgeons.
If you choose to Sort By Practice, then the list of surgeons is ordered by their parent Practice/DeliverTo account. This is useful when collating surgeon reports with practice reports as they will be printed in the same order.
Surgeons by Tag
Allows you to list surgeon accounts that have the customer tag you specify in the Tag box
If you choose to Sort By Practice, then the list of surgeons is ordered by their parent Practice/DeliverTo account. This is useful when collating surgeon reports with practice reports as they will be printed in the same order.
Practices by Name
Allows you to specify all or part of a practice name to run reports for, or to run reports for ALL practices.
You can specify the practice name to search for by entering it in the Contains box, or leave this box blank to select ALL practices.
If you choose to Sort By Practice ID, then the list of practices is ordered by their account number. This is useful when collating surgeon reports with practice reports as they will be printed in the same order.
Practices by Tag
Allows you to list practice accounts that have the customer tag you specify in the Tag box
If you choose to Sort By Practice ID, then the list of practices is ordered by their account number. This is useful when collating surgeon reports with practice reports as they will be printed in the same order.
Click the Select button to list the customers related to the search terms you chose.
You will now automatically be moved to Step 2.
Step 2 - Run Report(s) for the selected customers
On this step you can specify which report/s to run for the selected customers.
A "selected" customer is those which has a tick mark in the first column. You can add or remove ticks by clicking on the tick mark box itself, or by using the options in the "Tick/Untick options" at the top of the column. You can tick and untick customers at any point while on Step 2 or the final step, Step 3.
Tick all
Place a tick next to all customers in the list
Untick all
Remove the ticks from all customers in the list
Tick email customers
Tick all customers that have a primary email address. These customers all have a blue "@" symbol to the left of their name
Untick email customers
Untick all customers that have a primary email address.
Untick R1=0 customers
Untick all customers that have zero activity on the report produced in the column marked "R1".
Remove unticked customers
Remove all unticked customers from the list, so you can work with a smaller selection of customers
Remove ticked customers
Remove all ticked customers from the list, so you can work with a smaller selection of customers
Choose the report you wish to run by clicking on the Report box, selecting the report to run, and completing any parameters (such as start and end date).
Click Run Report to run the report for all selected customers.
You can run up to two different reports for your selection of customers, as shown by the R1 and R2 columns.
Click on the preview icon ( eg. indicates there's 7 items on a customer's report) next to a customer's name to see their report in the preview window.
When you've run the report/s you wish to run, you can proceed to Step 3 by clicking the button "Go to Step 3. Send Reports".
Step 3 - Send To
On this step you can continue to select/deselect customers using the tick marks and the "Tick/Untick options" at the top of the left hand column.
If you ran two different reports in Step 2 (such as a statement and a summary invoice for every surgeon) then you can use the tick boxes at the top of the R1 and R2 columns to select or deselect the 1st or 2nd report from being included when you print/email/create PDF files.
Choose where you wish to send your ticked reports by clicking on the Send To box and choosing the destination:
Email to customer email list
Email the reports for all ticked customers to all the email addresses in the customer's "email list" box, as defined in the customer's details
Email to customer primary email
Email the reports for all ticked customers to the single email address in the customer's "primary email" box, as defined in the customer's details
Email to IDH group
Email the reports for all ticked customers to the email address stored for IDH lab payments, as defined in Send To's
Email to Transactor Support
Email the reports for all ticked customers to Transactor support. You should only use this option when requested to do so by Transactor Support.
File PDF (<path name>)
Create Adobe PDF files of the reports for all ticked customers, and save them to the location specified. You can set the destination path from Send To's
Preview as one report
View the reports for all ticked customers as one on-screen document. From the preview window you can then print, email or save a single large PDF if required.
Send the reports for all ticked customers to the printer, as defined in Send To's
You may have additional Send To outputs in your list if you've added extra printers or common email addresses. You can add Send To outputs from the Send To's panel of the Control Centre.
Quick Reference
Screen objects that don't change for each Step:
Restart - button
Clears any selections and starts from the beginning. The same as closing the BRM and re-opening it again
Close - button
Exits the Batch Report Manager
Step 1 - Select Customers
Select the Customer accounts you wish to produce reports for
Choose your Surgeons or Practices then click Select.
Customers - drop down chooser
Choose which search method to use to select customers for the Report
Optional criteria for the given Select method above. Leave blank if you want to search for ALL.
Sort by Practice ID
List the customers in order of their practice account number. Useful when collating two types of report
Select - Button
Select customers for the given method and criteria and list the results in the Customers list
Step 2 - Run Report(s) for the selected customers
Run report for selected customers. Visible only in step 2
Hint text
Choose a report below then click 'Run Report'
Select - drop down chooser
Choose which Report you want to generate. Initially these will be listed as a mini preview icon in a column to the right of the Customers listed. The number in the icon represents the number of (significant) rows in the report. The Icon can be clicked to preview the report.
Run Report - Button
Generate the selected report for each of the customers listed in the results list. The report will prompt you for any required parameters.
Step 3 - Send to
Send To. Visible only in step 3
Hint text
Choose where to send the completed reports
Send To - drop down chooser
Choose a Send To channel. eg Printer/Email/save as PDF files.
Send - Button
Send / Print / Preview or Save the selected reports for each of the ticked customers listed and ticked in the results list.