Batch Invoices and Statements |
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Use the Batch Report Manager (BRM) to produce many statements or summary invoices at once.
If you just want to produce one report for the customer on the Main Form, instead use Report menu > Customers.
To start the BRM use Report menu > Customers > Batch Report Manager, or Tools Menu > Batch Report Manager.
Note: To further expedite your month-end run, from the Tools menu you could choose to start the BRM for dentists only, or for practices. This skips the first step of the BRM.
The Batch Report Manager works by walking you through three steps:
A video covering the month-end procedure is available below.
Step 1 of 3. Select Customers
By leaving the "Contains" box empty we're choosing to select all our customers (just dentists in this case). If we added a part of a name to this box, only those customers whose name matches this will be selected.
Notice that if you click on the Customers drop-down box it offers options to select dentists or practices by name, or by tag. See the table below:
You will be moved on to step 2.
Step 2 of 3. Run Report
For this example, we're going to run a Summary Invoice (monthly)
You'll notice Transactor works through your list of customers, adding a number to the right of each one. If you had unticked the box next to a customer's name in the list then Transactor will skip that customer.
For customers which have been active in the period you chose, Transactor will add a box beside them which contains the number of items on the report. Once the whole list of customers has been processed you can click the boxed number next to any customer to see a preview of their report.
Customers who have not been active will have a zero placed beside them. Transactor will assume you do not wish to print/email these, but you can change this behaviour - see the notes at the end of this topic.
Step 3 of 3. Send Reports
Tick/untick customers you want to exclude from the run
The tick/untick options help you to manage your report runs so that you can choose some reports to be sent via email, for example, and others to your printer.
You could decide you only want to send email invoices to those customers who have email addresses, then print the rest.
You may notice some customers have some @ symbols beside their name. This indicates that customer has a primary, list and/or statement email address stored in their profile.
So, you can click the "tick/untick options" button then choose "Untick all" from the list, which will deselect every customer, then click the button again but choose "Tick email (primary) customers". Now only the customers with primary email addresses are ticked.
You could now choose to remove ticked customers using the tick/untick options button, then tick all the remaining customers and send to your printer.
Step 4.Only joking ! There's no step 4, your work is done. In less than 30 minutes you could have produced 100s of reports, and distributed them to your customers, some by post, and some by email.
That's it. But here's some more reading..
More on 'Send to' channels
You may have other output options appear in this list if you've set these up, or if Transactor support has done this for you.
Include reports with no activityTick this box to include reports containing "no activity" in your distribution. These zero populated reports are those that have no significant rows - for example, customers who had no activity for the period. By default, Transactor assumes you wouldn't want to print or send these reports.
Balance-only reportsWhen the preview icon beside a customer shows "Bal" then the report is a statement with just a balance brought forward (b/f) and a balance carried forward (c/f). This means there's still money owing - so you probably still want to print it. If not, just untick the customer.