Print a monthly invoice or statement

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Produce a Summary Invoice


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This will produce an Invoice for all the Jobs in the given period for one customer.


To run the report for several customers use the Batch Report Manager instead.


To run the report for one customer


Select a Customer onto the Main Form
Choose Report > Customers > Summary Invoice




Enter the First Date of the period to run the report for

Enter the Last Date of the period to run the report for


Enter the Period to use, in the case on the monthly version of the report




Choose OK.




Patient Names configurable option through the customer's details page - where you can add a tag to "Do not print patient name on invoice or statement".. Another option is to just use Patient References which is sometimes preferred by organisations such as hospitals.



Produce a Customer Statement


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This will produce statement of account for the given period for one customer. To run the report for several customers use the Batch Report Manager instead.


Select a Customer onto the Main Window
Choose Report > Customers > Statement






Select the Customer ID to run the report for, or use the current customer on the main form

Enter the First Date of the period to run the report for

Enter the Last Date of the period to run the report for





Customer: 455    First Date: 1 sep      Last Date: 30 sep


Next stepsreports-customers-statementdaterange




This report includes a mini summary with total Debits and Credits for the period so it's possible to see the job total. Includes a Remittance slip. A 'Prompt payment incentive message' is automatically printed if the Customer has a non-zero Order Discount % and Early Pay %. Both of these can be set on the customer's details page.


This report example does not have an aged debt summary as this is provided on the Statement (with aged debt) and Statement (unpaid invoices) reports.



Batch Invoices or Statements



Also see


Printing Reports and Emailing

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