Welcome to Transactor V8

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Welcome to Transactor V8!



We hope you will find the program intuitive, efficient and reliable.


Transactor V8 is a software application for administering a dental laboratory. It tracks jobs, produces invoices and statements and has a built in sales ledger to receive payments and control your debtors.




The system records:


Work coming in and going out of the laboratory
Job details and images, any file can be attached to a job
Products and price lists
Customer records, usually dentists but may be direct walk-in patients
Delivery addresses, usually dental practices or another laboratory
Technicians and admin users
Payments received



The system can preview, print, save or email:


Patient Statements
Job tickets
Despatch notes, priced or unpriced
Individual or monthly summary invoices, quotes and credit notes
The above can be customised with your own logos and can be printed on plain paper or letter headed.
Reports including various forms of sales analysis, aged debtors, technician/department output,  and financial summaries.




This help guide is designed as an ongoing reference, with the separate Coffee Break Tour providing an introduction to Transactor V8.




Getting started – new users



New users should follow the Coffee Break Tour to familiarise yourself with the basics of the program.


When first installed, Transactor has many advanced features hidden behind-the-scenes to make it easier to use, so if you can't find how to do something see Configuration, More Advanced Procedures and Getting Help.