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Sales By Customer


Show a summary of invoice quantity and value for customers over a specified period. Only invoices with a tax date within the specified date range are included. Quantity, net value and tax value is shown.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Sales > By Customer




First Date

The earliest date of invoices to include.

Last Date

The latest date of invoices to include.

Sort By

The order in which to show the list: Customer ID, Customer name, Invoice count or Sales total.






reports-sales by customer




Sales By Customer Sales-To-Date


Show a summary of invoice quantity and value for customers over a selected period. This report is the same as the Sales by Customer report but it offers an easy way to see sales for customers for the current month or current year.

Only invoices with a tax date within the specified period are included. Quantity, net value and tax value is shown.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Sales > By Customer Sales-To-Date




STD Period

The period over which sales should be shown: Current Month To Date, or Current Year To Date.

Sort By

The order in which to show the list: Customer Name or Total Net Sales.






reports-sales by customer sales-to-date




Sales By Customer and Nominal Account


Show a summary of values invoiced in each of your nominal accounts for customers over a specified period. Only invoices with a tax date within the specified date range are included.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Sales > By Customer and Nominal Account




First tax date

The earliest date of invoices to include.

Last tax date

The latest date of invoices to include.

Sort By

The order in which to show the list: Customer ID, Customer name, Net sales.






reports-sales by customer and nominal account




Sales By Department


Show a summary of invoice quantity and value for your departments over a specified period. Only invoices with a tax date within the specified date range are included. Quantity, net value and tax value is shown.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Sales > By Department




From Date

The earliest date of invoices to include.

To Date

The latest date of invoices to include.






reports-sales by department




Sales By Practice


Show 3 year historical value of sales for each dentist, with one page of dentists per practice.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Sales > By Practice





This report can only be run for "All practices".






reports-sales by practice




Sales by Product


Show a summary of products sold within the specified date period. Only items on invoices with a tax date within the specified date range are included. Quantity and net value is shown.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Sales > By Product





Either choose to run the report for "All customers", or enter the account number of the customer to run the report for, or type a customer tag


The earliest date of invoices to include items from.


The latest date of invoices to include items from.

Sort By

The order in which to show the list: Product code, Description, Quantity or Net Sales






reports-sales by Product




Sales By Product and Price Band


Show a summary of product/price band combinations sold within the specified date period. Only items on invoices with a tax date within the specified date range are included. Quantity and net value is shown.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Sales > By Product and Price Band





Either choose to run the report for "All customers", or enter the account number of the customer to run the report for, or type a customer tag

First date

The earliest date of invoices to include items from.

Last date

The latest date of invoices to include items from.






reports-sales-sales by product by price band




Sales by Product grouped by nominal account


Lists price band, product code, qty and net sales by product code for each Nominal Account used in the date period. A report summary gives totals for each Nominal Account.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Sales > By Product grouped by Nominal Account





Either choose to run the report for "All customers", or enter the account number of the customer to run the report for.

First date

The earliest date of invoices to include items from.

Last date

The latest date of invoices to include items from.

Sort By

The order in which to present the data: By Product Code, Product Description or Net Sales.






reports-sales-sales by product grouped by nominal acct




Sales by Product grouped by price band


Lists price band, product code, qty and net sales by product code for each price band used in the date period. A report summary gives totals for each price band


From the menu bar, choose Report > Sales > By Product grouped by Price Band





Either choose to run the report for "All customers", or enter the account number of the customer to run the report for.


The earliest date of invoices to include items from.


The latest date of invoices to include items from.

Sort By

The order in which to present the data: By Product Code, Product Description or Net Sales.






reports-sales-sales by product grouped by price band