Remittance Module - Step 2 List invoices to be paid

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If you've just Imported the invoice list from a file:


If you want to amend the list, click the trashcan button to remove a row
Click Continue


If you have an empty list, or you chose to manually make a remittance list:


Choose a date range, then click Select.
If you want to amend the list, click the trashcan button to remove a row
Click Continue



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If the balance to pay doesn't equal the invoice total, then the application will prompt you to un-allocate any invoice balances.  If this situation occurs it's because one or more of the listed invoices have previously been allocated money from other receipts. In all likely-hood the balance needs un-allocating as your remittance amount is probably for the whole invoice. You may either use the 'un-allocate' button to do this, or navigate to the main Transactor application and un-allocate monies in the customer history. Don't forget to click 'Refresh' afterwards.



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Go to next topic: Step 3 Pay off the Invoices