Once you open a report for editing, you will be presented with a window similar to the one shown below. This example is for the Statement (monthly):



Control Centre-Reports and Tasks-Edit report



Items which are greyed-out, such as the Page Format or report name, can only be accessed by a LabManager support technician.


The large white box in the lower half of the window lists all the commands that produce the report.


Lines in BLUE can be edited by the user, although you may need to contact Transactor Support for help with some of these.


Lines in LIGHT BLUE can be edited by the user, but are currently inactive. To make the line active you will need to edit the line and ensure you tick the "Active" box in that line's properties.




After making any changes, you can test the report by clicking the "Run Report" button at the bottom of the window. Be aware, however, that some reports will require a job or customer to be present on the Main Form in order to show any results.




User modifiable controls on the Edit Report/Task window:


Note, you would not normally need to make any changes to these settings, as they will have been configured appropriately when you installed LabManager.


All measurements are in millimetres, so use a value of 10 to represent 1cm. You can tick the "Show Ruler" box to help you when you preview the report.

When updating LabManager to a newer version, it may be necessary for the update to reset some of your settings, so it's possible any changes you make to reports will be overwritten. Where possible, this will be avoided. If you have any particular changes that you need to ensure carry through an update, please let a Transactor Support engineer know before updating.





The default values for the information the user is expected to provide when running the report, such as for specifying a customer ID, or start and end dates.


Print Offset X and Y

If your printer seems to cut off the edges of a report, or doesn't centralise it properly you could try changing the Print Offset. X represents shifting the print more to the right, and Y represents shifting the print further down the page.


You can use negative numbers to represent a left shift or up shift, rather than right or down. (eg. use an X of -10 to shift the print 1cm to the left)


Margins T, B, L, R

The blank area around the report that nothing should print in. The initials stand for Top, Bottom, Left and Right.



The vertical space at the top of the report reserved for the header information, which usually includes postal addresses, date range etc. The main body of the report will start after this space.



The vertical space at the bottom of the report reserved for the footer information, which can include summary information or a tear-off slip. The main body of the report appears in the area above this space.


Blue Lines

You may only edit blue lines in the main box of this window. Light blue lines indicate that line is Inactive. Grey lines are locked from editing except by a Transactor Support technician.


To edit a blue line, either double-left click it with the mouse, or highlight then click the pencil icon above the list.


Show Ruler

When you click the "Run Report" button, or otherwise send this report to a preview window, with this option ticked a vertical and horizontal ruler will appear to help you check distances and positions.


The ruler will not print out with the report, or be included in a PDF file. It will only show in the preview window.


Show Work Area

When you click the "Run Report" button, or otherwise send this report to a preview window, with this option ticked you will see blue outlines representing the different areas of the report (such as header, footer). This will help you determine the size of these areas.


The work area lines will not print out with the report, or be included in a PDF file. They will only show in the preview window.