How to get here


Tools menu > Control Centre > Setup Wizard > Depts/Stages, select a Dept/Stage from the Job Department panel, then click the EDIT button



Alter the name for the Job Dept/Stage if necessary, and tick or untick the "Active" box to enable or disable this job dept/stage.


You can only assign this dept/stage to jobs when the Active box is ticked, so untick this box if you don't want this dept/stage to be available.


Note that if you make a Job Dept/Stage inactive, but you already have jobs using this dept/stage those jobs will continue to use that stage.




You can set the turnaround days for this Job Dept/Stage, so jobs with this dept/stage will have a due date of that many days in the future.

If you choose "Use general turnaround days" from the top of the list, the default turnaround days will be used. (Setup Wizard > New Jobs)