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Practice list with surgeons


This document lists all surgeons that work at each practice, with one page per practice.


The practice details are shown in the header of each page, and each surgeon's name, ID, telephone, mobile and primary email address are shown.


This report is useful as a printed reference, although you can also view which surgeons are linked to a practice by using Tools menu > Control Centre > Setup Wizard > Surgeons.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Practices > Practice list with surgeons




Practice Summary Invoice


One document per practice, listing all surgeons on invoices linked to that practice (ie. The invoices have the practice as their DeliverTo setting). The total amount of invoices per surgeon is calculated for the date period selected, and each surgeon's total is shown. This document can be presented as an invoice to the practice, to request payment.


Be aware that this document totals up invoices (and credit notes) based on the practice that is linked to each INVOICE. Generally this will be the same as the customer's DeliverTo, but if a user has altered the DeliverTo on a customer part-way through the month then earlier invoices will have been invoiced to the old DeliverTo, and more recent invoices will have been invoiced to the new DeliverTo.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Practices > Practice Summary Invoice   (this method will produce this document for one customer account only)

From the Batch Report Manager, choose Practices in step 1, then choose this report on Step 2   (use the Batch Report Manager to produce this document for multiple customers)





Practice ID

Either choose to run the report for the "Current practice on the main form", or enter the account number of the practice to run the report for.

First Date

The earliest date of invoices to include on this report.

Last Date

The latest date of invoices to include on the report.

Include zero totals

If "Yes", surgeons with zero totals will be included in the report. If "No", surgeons with no balance will be excluded from the report.




Practice Summary Invoice Detailed


One multi-page document per practice, listing all invoices and their contents for all surgeons linked to that practice (ie. The invoices have the practice as their DeliverTo setting).

Invoice contents are shown, except items marked as "do not print on invoice if zero value". This document can be presented as an invoice to the practice, to request payment.


Be aware that this document shows invoices (and credit notes) based on the practice that is linked to each INVOICE. Generally this will be the same as the customer's DeliverTo, but if a user has altered the DeliverTo on a customer part-way through the month then earlier invoices will have been invoiced to the old DeliverTo, and more recent invoices will have been invoiced to the new DeliverTo.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Practices > Practice Summary Invoice Detailed (this method will produce this document for one customer account only)

From the Batch Report Manager, choose Practices in step 1, then choose this report on Step 2   (use the Batch Report Manager to produce this document for multiple customers)





Practice ID

Either choose to run the report for the "Current practice on the main form", or enter the account number of the practice to run the report for.

First Date

The earliest date of invoices to include on this report.

Last Date

The latest date of invoices to include on the report.





Practice Summary Statement


One document per practice, listing the balances on invoices to surgeons linked to that practice (ie. The invoices have the practice as their DeliverTo setting). The balance of invoices per surgeon is calculated for the date period selected, and each surgeon's balance for the period is shown.


Be aware that this document calculates the balance on invoices (and credit notes) based on the practice that is linked to each INVOICE. Generally this will be the same as the customer's DeliverTo, but if a user has altered the DeliverTo on a customer part-way through the month then earlier invoices will have been invoiced to the old DeliverTo, and more recent invoices will have been invoiced to the new DeliverTo.


From the menu bar, choose Report > Practices > Practice Summary Statement   (this method will produce this document for one customer account only)

From the Batch Report Manager, choose Practices in step 1, then choose this report on Step 2   (use the Batch Report Manager to produce this document for multiple customers)





Practice ID

Either choose to run the report for the "Current practice on the main form", or enter the account number of the practice to run the report for.

First Date

The earliest date of invoices to include in balance calculations for this report.

Last Date

The latest date of invoices to include in balance calculations for this report.

Include zero totals

If "Yes", surgeons with zero balances will be included in the report. If "No", surgeons with zero balance will be excluded from the report.