Job Item Patient (Add to form)

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How to get here


While you have an editable job on the Main Form, add a PATIENT item by highlighting a row in the lower half of the Main Form, then:


Enter the code PATIENT and press Return, then Return again


Press the Return key to select a product, and locate the PATIENT item in the list, select it and press Return

Double-click on the row to select a product, and locate the PATIENT item in the list, double click it



Once you have added the PATIENT item to the job, you will reach this screen.



When you add an PATIENT item to a job, you will be presented with a window where you can enter the patient name.


If you have been provided with a Reference code for this patient, you should enter it in the Reference box as this can be presented on reports.



You can adjust the patient name order between "Surname, First name, Title, Reference" and "Title, First name, Surname, Reference" via the checkbox on the Main Form page of the Setup Wizard.