What is Transactor Lab Manager

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Transactor Lab Manager is a software application for administering a Dental Laboratory. It tracks jobs, produces Invoices and Statements and has a built in Sales Ledger to receive payments and control your debtors.


The system records:


Work coming in and going out of the Laboratory
Job details and images
Products and price lists
Customer records, usually surgeons but may be direct walk-in patients
Delivery addresses, usually Dental Practices or another Laboratory
Technicians and admin users
Payments received


The system can preview, print, save or email:


Job Tickets
Despatch Notes, priced or unpriced
Individual or monthly Summary Invoices, quotes and credit notes
The above can be customised with your own logos and can be printed on plain paper or letter headed.
Reports including Sales Analysis, Aged Debtors, Technician/Department Output,  and financial summaries.




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Transactor Lab Manager Reports Menu and Job Listings


Reports Menu



Aged Debtors - narrow

Aged Debtors - wide

Aged Debtors by Practice

Audit trail

Invoices in Period

List booked out uncharged

Managers Financial Report

Nominal Account Summary


Reconciliation Report

Summary Totals Report

Trial Balance


Address Labels

Address Labels (Repeats)

Customer list - Telephone and Email


Statement (monthly)

Statement (with aged debt)

Statement (unpaid invoices)

Statement detailed (unpaid invoices)

Statement of work - detailed

Statement - Departmentalised

Summary Invoice

Summary Invoice (monthly)

Summary Invoice detailed

Summary Invoice detailed (monthly)

Debtors Letter 1 - Outstanding Account

Debtors Letter 2 - Second Reminder

Debtors Letter 3 - Final Notice


All by start date range

All on Hold

Booked In

Booked In + box

Booked in detailed

Booked in detailed + box

Booked in detailed + net

Booked in with work stage

Booked in by start date

Booked in by start date range

Work schedule by due date and tech-team

Booked In Items by Due Date

Booked in Items Summary

Booked out ongoing

Booked out completed/invoiced

Completed jobs for customers with tag

Delivery Notes in Print Queue (detailed)

Delivery Notes in Print Queue (simple)

Delivery Notes by Due Date


Practice list with surgeons

Practice Summary Invoice

Practice Summary Invoice Detailed

Practice Summary Statement


Price List

Products List


By customer

By customer sales-to-date

By customer and nominal account

By department

By practice

By product

By product and price band

By product grouped by nominal account

By product grouped by price band


Output report

Output report detailed

Team Output Report

Team Statement

Work schedule by due date tech-team

Work charged by Invoice Tax Date

Special Reports

Electronic Invoice - IDH Group (CSV)

IDH Summary Invoice (PDF)

IDH Summary Invoice UNPAID (PDF)

IDH Summary Invoice (monthly)

IDH Summary Invoice Brief (monthly)

Practice Summary Invoice - Oasis

Job Labels (Twinned)



Transactor Lab Manager Job List selector window


Choose Search type. Result list can be previewed or printed.



Active Jobs - All

Active Jobs - booked in - by dept

Active Jobs - booked in - by due date

Active Jobs - booked in - by due date and box

Active Jobs - booked in - by start date

Active Jobs - booked in items by due date

Active Jobs - booked out ongoing

Active Jobs - on hold

Completed jobs - all

Completed jobs - by date range & practice

Completed jobs - last 3 months

Jobs - all

Jobs - last 3 months

Jobs - booked out on date

Jobs by due date

Jobs by patient name or reference

Jobs by reference

Jobs by start date range

Jobs by start date range (practice)

Work Schedule





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