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Price List


Lists all your products and their prices for up to 3 of your price bands. Note that you can change a product's prices from the Product Edit window or in the Control Centre.



The short code for this product


The full name/description of this product

<price band 1>

The price of this product for the first price band you selected when running the report, ie. "Band1"

<price band 2>

The price of this product for the second price band you selected when running the report, ie. "Band2"

<price band 3>

The price of this product for the third price band you selected when running the report, ie. "Band3"



You can run this report from the menu bar, choose Report > Products > Price List





Sort By

Choose the order in which to list your products: alphabetically by Code or by Description


Choose one of your price bands to appear on the report. The price for each product in this price band will show in the first price band column


Optionally choose an additional one of your price bands to appear on the report. The price for each product in this price band will show in the second price band column


Optionally choose an additional one of your price bands to appear on the report. The price for each product in this price band will show in the third price band column






reports-price list




Products List


Lists all your products and their properties. Note that you can change a product's properties from the Product Edit window or in the Control Centre.



The short code for this product


The full name/description of this product


Yes or No. Can this product's name/description be modified, such as when it's being added to a job


The nominal account associated with the product


The tax band code associated with the product


Yes or No. If a product is discountable then discounts can affect it's price


The default technician who will work on this product. If you wish to keep a track of your technician's work you can set a default technician and/or you can set a technician when you add the product to a job


The default completion status of the product. Useful if you are tracking technician output



You can run this report from the menu bar, choose Report > Products > Products List





Sort By

Choose the order in which to list your products: alphabetically by Code or by Description






reports - product list